burgundy xterra?


Active Member
Jun 15, 2011
Edgemoor SC
just started working at the nissan dealer in rockhill today and a burgundy xterra on 32s came in it had shorkworks skids and rear bumper and NC4X4, ECORS, NOAS, and ENCXC stickers on the side glass, this guy on here? it sure was a tough lookin X
Hey man that was our truck. We have 33s but yeah other then that you saw it all. We had it in for the steering recall. The funny thing is thats my dads. I have the isuzu on 33s you may have seen rolling around rock hill. Hope you guys took good care of our gal today.
Burgundy? I thought it was silver? I Must be crazy.
Ouch, Big talk from the man who can't wheel with out parts flying off!
Thanks man, Yeah it seemed like everything was fine when we got it back. Hit me up if you ever want to wheel or you see us out and about.