Buying/shipping a used car


Knower of useless ZJ things
Sep 24, 2008
My buddy has found a used car on another forum that is in Peori, IL. He doesn't want to drive up there to get it, but wants to try and have it shipped down here. Anyone ever done this before? How does he go about doing the Title, etc if he is not present?

Just so this doesn't get off topic, this is not a CL scam or anything like that (Ebay motors will not be used haha :D)
no experience on the title, but have shipped my jeep to florida and back..... i used

it's like ebay where people send you bids on the cost to ship, has worked out great both times.
the first time it was like $500 and the second it was like $450.... door to door.
I know shipping my Mazda from NC to MD was about $500.

In all honesty, buying a 1-way plane ticket and driving back can be alot cheaper.
That is true, I could buy a one way ticket and be there to get the title.

ANy other advice or suggestions on the buying part (out of state)?
The car was originally in CA, and they moved to IL last August, so from the undercarriage pics it still looks good.
PIA, peoria has a very small airport much like pti. soutwest goes into chi midway but has on direct service to peoria. delta and united from gso and rdu both go to peoria thru chicago. prob be the cheapest, check mid week flights, clear your cookies, check again after midnite.
I have done this both way. If he must ship it, have the seller overnight the title and don't warrange shipping until you have the title in hand. If there's any way possible buy a round trip flight and go get the car. If there is a problem fly home. If he likes it drive it home.