C/L OOHHH YEEAAAHHH!! 84 Regal $10k

we have a pink pepto bismol monte carlo ss on 26's and chrome balls ridding around town. ill try to get pics if i see it at the audio shop again.

Oh wow, thats just terrible. I hope these people get sponsorship from the companies whos labels they are pirating on their 'whips'. :shaking:

Otherwise they just spent a bunch of money to promote stupidity.... Or like said earlier, drug sales.
...why invest so much money in a pos?

Look through the for sale section on this forum....you may ask yourself the same question. If we are talking about building or adding something to a car/truck to make them go better offroad or run faster on the street , then fine. So anyone who has a lifted truck, any type aftermarket wheels on their car, a TJ/tahoe whatever with bigger tires and you don't use them offroad or on a race track, then you're in the same catagory as these folks. I'd be careful throwing rocks till I made sure my house wasn't glass.

And yes, I think they're gay too!
Agreed, if it doesn't serve a purpose then why do it? Looks are nice, but if it doesn't perform, who cares. This is why my dad and I always lock horns when it comes to car shows.

My jeep see's about 3% trail time in comparision to pavement, but at least at any time I can hit a trail with it! And do as often as I can.