CAD guys, need help pricing side work!


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
I have no idea what to charge for this. A guy I used to work with has some potential side work for me. It is really simple stuff, basic 2D red to black kind of stuff. I'm a designer so drafting work like this I can do in my sleep.

I know when I was doing side work in SolidWorks that involved a little bit of design but mostly was drafting I was charging $35/hr. Not sure what the going rate is for a basic AutoCAD 2D drafting job.

Can anyone help me out with some pricing?

Would be a great little side job to make some extra cash.
Yeah, I'd say $35-$40/hr for basic drafting.
I prefer to flaT price the project if possible.
Then you can negotiate a number and motivate yourself to drastically increase your hourly rate.
Yeah, or hourly not-to-exceed.
I bill $60/hr cash doing solidworks machine design and 2D work, doesn't matter to me. My machine and software costs the same. Get CASH or you'll lose all of your profit in taxes/penalties come tax time if its a one time, small jon. Don't ask me how I know. Better yet, barter. Got all of my expensive shop tools this way.