I had an awesome time today! Thanks again to T-Bone for leading, Gubni for the pull, Shawn and T-Bone for the lended oil, and everyone for a great trip. I ended up over my head on Welder, and I'm still surprised I had no major damage, and that has mostly to do with a good group of guys (and gal) to help me through it.
we missed ya.we had a good time,little carnage to (v8pickups) runner as he decided to roll it on little tellico,i think,(the rock climb after Armoral).we had no snatch blocks so i had to back up in there to line up and pull him back over on all fours,that was fun.after we got it on all fours,trying to go again the front shaft twised off.well now 2 wd on this rock pile,fun,fun.Earlier on waterfall the runner ended up on the tailgate,almost went all the way over but luckly just stood straight up.had a disposable camera,will have them put on a disc and post some pics.