Can I tow with antique tags??


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2005
I could just call DMV and ask but would probably get faster results on here. LOL

My main tow truck registration is a 1972 F250. I'm running weighted tags on it at the moment but Durham just keeps bumping up the value every year even though I went down there and haggled with them once. And truthfully, it's literally a raggady piece of shit. But it gets my job done.
My question is if anyone knows if DMV could add "weight" if I registered it as an antique?

If not, guess I just need to buy me something newer to tow with. :)

to truely run year correct antique tags, you are still to have a newer standard plate in the vehicle.

Under this process, you will still need to have a weighted tag in the truck with you.