Can't post in thread


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2006
Statesboro, GA
Attempted to post in the thread "New shop looking customers: " in Vendors. Said I wasn't allowed. Attempted to post on other threads in different categories and had no problem. What's up?
Only vendors can post in vendor section. If you want to be a vendor, read the rules in the vendor section and send me a PM.
fisher_man_matt said:
I tried to post so info in a thread in the tow rigs section and recieved an error, not the vendor section.
Not really sure why you can't post in there since you are a registered user. Because the only people that can't post in there are people that are awaiting email confirmation, or under age users. Did you change anything on your account that the system sent you an email to confirm like your email address? Because if that is the case you would have been waiting on confirmation at that time and would not be able to post. Just try to post again and see if you still have the same issue.