carburetor shop


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2009
concord nc
anyone know a good place around the charlotte area to have carburetor work done? My carb was just rebuilt so i dont need that just somewhere that can adjust my holley 650 cfm double pumper back to holley speck. Retarded friend decided to try and tune my carb even though it didnt need it. i guess he wanted to learn how to mess something up. Now my truck is no go. and since i have no idea what he did i cant go back and fix it.:driver:
Sorry can't help you on a shop, but depending on the rebuild kit (last T/A carb I did 2 weeks ago had a couple sheets with all the specs) and at the very least Holley online should have all the factory settings and specs for your carb. All you need is your part number on the choke tower more than likely. Tear in to it again and in no more than an hour or so, you should be good to go. BTW...ask your friend what he did, then it shouldn't be as difficult fixing what he broke.
Holley has the specs online you just have to look it up by the list number on the choke tower as stated above. If you can't find it on line call them they will give you the specs over the phone.