Carfax report is incorrect-- what can I do

redneck grrrl

That girl
Mar 12, 2007
Dudley Shoals, NC
A potential buyer pulled a carfax report on my jeep and it says alignment was done in December 2014, this is true. It also says it was done again in April of 2015, this is incorrect. Anybody know how I can correct this?
I don't know how to correct it, but why is an alignment an issue? Maybe you are just concerned with tire wear;)
I don't see how that would look bad on a carfax. My invoicing software does automatic carfax reporting and my customers really like it because it shows that repairs and regular maintenance was done. Assuming that you did not get the alighnment You will need to find out what shop reported the alignment and contact carfax and dispute the report. It's a simple mistake to make just by entering the wrong Vin or tag number when doing an invoice.
I think Carfax is getting their wires crossed lately. I was talking to a guy last week about a VW Touareg, and asked him why the muffler was replaced last month. He asks what I'm talking about. I show him where the Carfax says the muffler was replaced. He says no way. He also had EVERY receipt ever for the vehicle in the glovebox, and was very open about a couple of things that had been fixed or replaced, so I have no reason to doubt him. I gotta assume that a VW Touareg exhaust is not the kind of cost you'd just forget about...
I wouldn't worry about it, alignments aren't a sign of something being wrong or detrimental.. If you want to have something to be wrong on a Carfax, that's a great thing to be wrong. I never knew that alignments would show in a Carfax though, thats interesting. I've actually never seen that before I don't think.
Not generally a big deal if there is an error but in this case I think it cost me the sale of my jeep.
I had a shop do an alignment on my truck and I had no idea that the reported shit to car fax. When I went to sell it a almost a year later, guess what? carfax showed an odometer discrepencey and I lost my buyer because the moron at the shop typed my miles in wrong. It had 196k and he typed 169. It was a pain in the ass. I wish they had a sign stating that they report to carfax so i could have told them NOT to.