Carolina Trailblocks are a bunch of dingdongs


New Member
Dec 11, 2010
I’m not sure if it’s that these guys have no common sense, or if their leaders fail to educate trail etiquette among their ranks. Every time I run across these guys in UHE they are broke down and jamming up the trails. When you have 20 of these guys stopping every 500 feet and blocking traffic in front and behind its no fun for anyone. Today these guys were stacked 2 wide in the trails and not letting anyone around for hours. Then they finally move and block the next intersection 2 wide in the road. Keeping general traffic from passing them. These are the guys who ruin it for other people. They make people so aggravated they go off the trail system to try and get around them. And when they are stacked 2 wide in a single track they are damaging the trails. I'll have videos of these guys doing this for hours up on you tube soon. Ill be sure to post a link.

This rant is long, but hopefully these guys will learn a little common courtesy, and pull over just a little bit so traffic can go around, or split up into smaller groups. It’s really not that hard and might make the ride more enjoyable for everyone.
So did you care to find out what the hold up was or did you just sign up here simply to bash a club?? :popcorn:
The hold up was just BSin. Breaking is one thing, but even then there are still ways to ride so traffic can get around, and if my group is going to BS its not going to be in the middle of the trail.
I'm guessing the hold up was URE closing w/e. It is always like that down there on the last w/e the place is open in December.
:gay: Its funny that you signed up just to post that. Unfortunately, rigs don't always break in convenient places and backups are inevitable when you have hundreds of people wheeling the last month of the year.

I wasn't there but anyone that wheels knows the above. I seriously doubt that they were just killin time in the middle of the trail.
No they didn't stop to kill time and it took maybe 15 to 20 min. till they started moving.I rode with them today and we didn't stop every 500 feet some people u can not make happy.The only time i blocked a trail is at kodak rock and people was come so i stoped then i moved and pulled over for everyone to go around.
It wasn't that bad today, there was a little bit congestion at kodiak rock earlier today but that was about it that we ran into.
Did you mention this to anyone in the club? Might have been better to just walk up to the offenders and ask if they would move, instead of waiting around on them.
..taking videos.

Sounds like you're talking about CTB, maybe...if so, yes, we had our end of year Christmas party and end of season URE ride there today. I wasnt there, but I bet we had a large group.

This will be mentioned to the group for future reference. No need to bash or post video..but it's a free country.
Did you mention this to anyone in the club? Might have been better to just walk up to the offenders and ask if they would move, instead of waiting around on them.
..taking videos.

X2 on this. I rode with CTB yesterday and they are a great group of guys.
they are a great group of guys. I hate trolls:shaking:
I know a few of these guys, Every one I know are a class act.
Please fill out this form & post it so that we may better understand.
Trail Blockage? NO,Yes,& Yes

I did ride Saturday, & we did have a good turnout. Maybe 20 Rigs,? I did'nt count them. Did have some down time. First on Saw Mill [I think], a heater hose. Repaired in bout 20 min., dont remember any one comeing up behind us. Had the Dicky Bell bridge Dedication @ noon, maybe 50 people attended. Trail & bridge was not blocked, only saw 2 sidebys pass crowd. Later on Dicky Bell [ I think], 1 rig cut a tire. Yes trail was blocked, as we had too many to get off trail. And yes a couple did pull up side x side to talk, during the 15-20 min tire change. Only remember 2-3 side-bys coming up behind & after short wait, turned around.
At the end of dicky bell & 553, Trail was again blocked in a very narrow area. Reason= Group was splitting to 2 groups & riders were staging in the groups. And yes, again the side-bys, 3-4, showed up. Never seen as many sidexsides at URE. Must have been Club, on their last URE run. I apoligize if the CTB inconivenced some, as this is a rarity.
One persons view, I am sure there is more to the story.

I just got "the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would say :)

Actually, the "trail blockage" confrontation happened in the presence of Ranger Walker and was mediated and decided by her. Guess those coming DOWN Daniel in side by sides weren't pleased with her ruling :)
Yes, I too just saw the other story. I was not with the Daniel group, so I hadnt heard that.
The old saying, "always two sides", right on.
I think it all can be summed up as, "SHIT HAPPENS" HAPPY HOLIDAYS
Wait a minute - the issue raised from SxS's - seriously... Shouldn't the rules of water navigation come into play - where the "larger vessel" always has right of way basically (and especially if not under power)...

I mean come on, a SxS should love an opportunity to "get off the trail" - if you bought the thing to get the mail from the mailbox - should of just bought a golf cart. Better yet, get some freakin' exercise and walk...
The uphill traveler has right-of-way... otherwise the more maneuverable vehicle/more experienced driver should yield. Going off-trail to pass should be a last resort.
The uphill traveler has right-of-way... otherwise the more maneuverable vehicle/more experienced driver should yield. Going off-trail to pass should be a last resort.

Correct, I was just floored if a SxS is complaining about a full size - as you state, the more maneuverable vehicle should yield...
several of the S&S's I saw yesterday were as big as my Willys and JoeD's Diatsu.You put that size vehicle with a rider with a 4 wheeler mentality and get the picture. Just remember that no matter who you are and what is going on...somebody else is more important at that time and YOU are inconviniencing them.
It was me and the SxS's at Daniel.
They were the same douchebags that we talked to at the intersection of Dickie bell and the gravel road when we split up. And they wanted to go up the gravel road.
I think that is illegal a-hole. You don't have tags or insurance or turn signals.

I asked the guy to just go back up the trail and take a right at RML intersection and head out to the double parking lot or wait a few minutes and these guys would move out the way.

Now the confrontation on Daniel was because a tree was in my back window. These 3 SxS' are the same ones from earlier and I kindly asked them to move after Doyle and Kenneth got me out of the rut with a snatchblock. Probably no more than 10-15 minutes to winch me back. Thats nothing. I've been on Daniel for 2-3 hours stuck with other broke vehicles. (What would you have done then dude? OMG -sarcasm)

I asked him if he'd kindly back up and we'd get a few of us through then they all could pass because there was nowhere for us to back up and let you by. There was plenty of room behind those SxS's and to the side. He said "I don't like backin up" - I told him yeah right and walked up the hill then I noticed Officer Foote. I shook his hand and asked him come help the situation.

Ask Kenneth, we were a few more minutes away from fighting.
I hate to say that but without Officer Foote there it might have got ugly.

Now I aint one to be a dick but these guys think they have the right away and I don't get it most ATV and bike dudes understand the rules of the trail. Etiquette. But these guys acted like we should move for them. I wave at everyone don't care what you ride and help anyone I see but I'm pretty sure I'll recognize you next time po:poop:

Few notes:
It is completely fine to split up and get organized when moving from one trail to another. Have patience we will get out of the way.
The uphill group has the right away unless you look dangerous where you are sitting.
And less rigs usually should wait for more rigs in a run.
correct me if I'm wrong.
\Few notes:
It is completely fine to split up and get organized when moving from one trail to another. Have patience we will get out of the way.
The uphill group has the right away unless you look dangerous where you are sitting.
And less rigs usually should wait for more rigs in a run.
correct me if I'm wrong.

I wasn't there, but I agree with the above. It's the way I've always operated and has always worked well. Of course, there are always people like that (the ones you guys unfotunately had to deal with) no matter where we go, be it the mall, the trails or the interstates. Their situational awareness is outpaced only by their self-absorption. :rolleyes:
As they say any publicity is good publicity so I would like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to anyone and everyone interested in wheeling and possibly joining a club to come join this group of Ding Dongs on our next ride in January in Mt. City. We would really like to start our 40th year off right w/ a good turnout.This link will give you some good info on our club. you can go to our website for more information It has information about joining the club if your interested. We do accept paypal now!!
Hope to see you there.