Carova Beach, NC


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
Columbia, SC
I know there are a bunch of houses up there, Is there any form of camping allowed on/near the beach? Looking at taking a trip up there this summer maybe but all the houses are booked.
ya I looked at both of those sites earlier, im just wondering if camping is allowed down the beach because being a very natural beach i thought it would be fun to camp away from all the houses.
I don't think it is but I could be wrong. I think the people who spend millions upon millions on a house out there might be offended if their perfect view was blocked by some hippy camping out smoking whacky tobacky
There is no camping allowed north of Rt. 12. I would recomend renting the cheapest place you could find and throw a tent in the back yard. If you want help finding an affordable place let me know. I live in Carova and might be able to hook you up with one being rented privately.