CB tunning locations


New Member
Sep 30, 2006
i live in wilmington and travel to raleigh every few months. and i need to find a place that will dial in my cb and get everything set up cus i have no idea how to do it and im just $hit with electronics to begin with. i know i can just go to radio shack and get an swr meter but i rather have someone else do it right the first time then me try it and screw it up. so if anyone knows anywhere between wilmington and raleigh or if anyone themselves can do i would greaty apreciate the help.

thanks, nick
What kind of radio, what brand and model antenna? How is the installation done (pics?)? Cable routing? How is the power run?

Some radios/antennas/installations are easy and fast to tune up, some are near impossible. Lets us know what you are working with.
dork, you were just telling me to get an swr meter to tune mine, lol

i told you i have an swr meter and you know where i live.....

if you're going to raleigh there is TC's Radio in wallace around exit 385 if i remember right. he's awesome... he installed my first cb and antenna and tuned it PERFECT after trying a couple different antennas to see which would work best....
haha oh ya thats right.. well hey what are you doing wed cus im off allday and im off thurday morning and friday morning.. lemme know if your free any of that time.

thanx says the dork:shaking:
exit 398 is hwy 53. if you take it west it will eventually hit tc's. but hwy 40 to the wallace exit woudl be much quicker.

i'm off wed and thur.

will be home, all day, every day since i have no vehicle aside form my jeep which has no gears or carrier int eh rear axle....

i'll help you, but you'll have to drive me to advance auto in exchange for help...

id say where ever you need to go but you would take that too literaly and want me to drive you like hundreds of miles away. but yall ill drive ya around town to where ever it is you need to go. i also need to find or rig something up to reattach my antenna.. my mount got broken off....:mad:

Get you a K40 antenna if they still make them. Best investment I ever made in CB stuff. Mine is magnetic base and out of the box had almost no standing waves impedance. 1/2 turn to remove the antenna from base too!

My $0.02 :beer:
me and Erik hooked it all up yesterday. but ive just got the big obnoxious redneck whip:bling: and we ran the swr with it to see how my cb and anttena was doing and i was in the 1.5 range and then we tried his firestick and got the same thing.
my [cough] K40 [cough]... and i think your swr was 1.4 if i remember right.

unlike mine... which stays at 2.0 or higher no matter how i adjust my K40. gotta be the damn wire. ugh.