cell or tank?


Registered Loser
Mar 20, 2005
Hickory, NC
After a few years of beating the living crap out of the stock replacement tank in the Commando (no factory skid, never bothered to make one) I have decided to either raise the stock tank up into the rear floor, or go to a fuel cell.
The pros and cons I can see are:
Tank - already have it, although it is beat. I think I can beat it back into some semblance of it's former self.
I can use a stock sending unit and pickup.
I can still have my gauge.
Can still use filler on the side of the Jeep.
Cell - safer, better pickup when low on gas.
cool factor?

Any ideas?
Any ideas?

Unless you won the lotto and "have to have" a cell...

- Beat the dents out of the bottom (use a chunk of wood so you don't "assidently" punch a hole in it)
- Raise the tank (proven system)
- Box in the top (don't forget an access hole/plate in case you need to clean out the tank/dick with sender)
- Don't forget to take pics

Oh, and quit screwing around! You could have been done by now! :flipoff2:
Yeah, yeah.
I already have the tank out and have the hole marked in the rotting floor...
I will be the first one to say fuel cell. Not saying a raised tank couldn't look good, with the right sort of enclosure, but when I see that, the only thing I think is "Too cheap for a fuel cell." Just looks kinda halfway done, to me.
Just looks kinda halfway done, to me.
You have seen and helped me work on my Jeep, doesn't that seem to fit the theme...

I think I will sink the tank for now and look into a cell later when funds permit.
Haha, Chris, I have to give the rest of you rig more credit. I love that thing...... I contemplating scraping up the cash to buy that Commando for sale on here now.... I just can't do it. Either way, if you cover it up with some sort of clean cover, a raised stock tank will look as good as any fuel cell.