charlette auto fair coming up soon! cant wait

insane moto

Jan 18, 2009
mt airy
me and my buddies have been going to the auto fair at lowes motor speedway for about 15 years. they have one in spring and fall. you can find about any part you are looking for. the intire infield is parts and the show cars are lined up all the around the track.i think its second weekend end in april thursday through sunday. just bring a big wagon and you take coolers in :beer: .best place to park is on the back side of track at the green field.i just thought maybe some people didnt know about this huge swapmeet. have a good later..........
Me and some friends of mine will be there selling parts,Chevy trucks,Chevelles,and misc.We will be outside the track,on or close to the green field,look for us.BTW,its the first weekend in April:beer: