Charlotte gridlock avoidance


professionally useless
Mar 16, 2005
Archer Lodge
next week I've got to be in Charlotte for a class for work, staying on north side off Northlake mall drive, have to be on Steele Creek off Westinghouse by 7:45am, its a 20mile ride according Google,

I am very unfamiliar with traffic flow in Charlotte.

How fawked is traffic on 485 in the morning ? am I going to have to leave @ 6am to maybe get there by 8am ?

I understand there are variables, but whats the "norm" for that section of 485 ?

If it were up to me I'd be staying much closer, but its not my gig
That stretch of 485 runs pretty smooth until you get near the airport. Allow about 45 minutes and tune into 99.3 WBT, they do traffic updates every 10 minutes.
Usually isnt too bad, but one wreck will FAWK up the whole interstate. Rain or fog will make people drive stoopid too. 485 chokes a little around 85 and alot around 77.
I was a trooper in Charlotte for 2 years. . That being said if you can leave and be on your way before 7 there usually isn't bad traffic unless there is a wreck. After about 7:30, your travel time will double.
485 is generally ok. But the left lane either runs 25mph or 85mph, and will suddenly change between the two. The right lane is more consistent at 45-65mph. Rain or wrecks or them daggum troopers will cause people to do all kinds of stupid driving and slowing down.

I go from I85 to I485 to Steele Creek exit every morning. Where on Steele Creek are you trying to get to? It's 25 miles from my house to work, and if I leave at 7, its a 30 minute drive, if I leave at 7:15, its a 35 minute drive, and if I leave at 7:30, its about 40 minutes.
From Northlake to Steel Creek exit on 485 you are going to avoid all the hot spots. That will be an easy drive in the AM.
IF something stupid happens jump off at the West BLVD exit and turn right on Steel Creek and youll go right to yalls shop.

My new shop is right at West and 485 also...hit me up for lunch/beer whatever.

BTW...WTF are they lodging you fawkers up there, you will drive past 734 cheaper and better hotels
From Northlake to Steel Creek exit on 485 you are going to avoid all the hot spots. That will be an easy drive in the AM.
IF something stupid happens jump off at the West BLVD exit and turn right on Steel Creek and youll go right to yalls shop.

My new shop is right at West and 485 also...hit me up for lunch/beer whatever.

BTW...WTF are they lodging you fawkers up there, you will drive past 734 cheaper and better hotels

We're normally at Hilton Garden inn, but apparently they're booked out, so this is the back up, and apparently the closest with "reasonable" accommodations.

What/wheres your shop ? Been so long since I've seen/talked to you I have no idea where you're sweeping floors now :flipoff2:

I'll only be there one night ( Wed night ) and may not get there until after 6pm, PM me your number and I'll give you a yell, if I can get in town at a reasonable time and haven't been covered in what ever happens to be the flavor of the day.
Kevin, all the above are correct! They only skipped 1 thing [Really Matt!?], 485 jsut South of I-85! You Never know, some morning you Sail right thru [best in the left lane, or center]. Then other mornings, someone steps on their Brake pedal, & Everybody Stops! It's Really the double lane merging traffic, coming off I-85. Sometimes anything can happen further down 485, & Everybody Stops to look! So Scan that area carefully, as you pass under 85, & be Prepared!
If you hard back to Northlake, after 4, it will be the Same Jam-up, approaching Wilkerson Blvd. Get past I-85, & your Clear! Enjoy you short stay!
Kevin, all the above are correct! They only skipped 1 thing [Really Matt!?], 485 jsut South of I-85! You Never know, some morning you Sail right thru [best in the left lane, or center]. Then other mornings, someone steps on their Brake pedal, & Everybody Stops! It's Really the double lane merging traffic, coming off I-85. Sometimes anything can happen further down 485, & Everybody Stops to look! So Scan that area carefully, as you pass under 85, & be Prepared!
If you hard back to Northlake, after 4, it will be the Same Jam-up, approaching Wilkerson Blvd. Get past I-85, & your Clear! Enjoy you short stay!
Sorry, forgot to mention that. As you near where I85 dumps onto 485, if its moving, stay in the center or left lanes. If its slowed or stopped, get in the right lane, because for some reason everyone getting on there wants to go STRAIGHT to the left lane regardless of how fast or slow they drive.
I live in steel creek and pretty much everything above is accurate.

160 gets backed up going the opposite direction, but anything before 7:15 and you will have no issues
Yep.... 485 SUCKS! But for the most part just on the south end between 77 and Providence both directions am and pm. Like already mentioned I'd give myself an extra 10 minutes though b/c it is unpredictable.
for some reason everyone getting on there wants to go STRAIGHT to the left lane regardless of how fast or slow they drive.

As a general rule, I find that if you (counting from left to right) stay in lane #2 or #3, you move the fastest simply for this reason. As soon as traffic starts to slow, everyone goes for the leftmost lane, and it turns into a parking lot.