check engine light trouble


Active Member
Jun 16, 2009
this is a head scratcher to me i got a 2000 tj and the check engine light is on and it throws the throttle position sensor. So ive changed the sensor several times and it still throws the same code does anyone have any kinda of trouble like this could something ground around near it causing it to foul or what???
It runs off of a 5v ref. There are a couple of things that could be it...
A. Bad or loose ground.
B. Bad or loose connetor
C. Bad 5v signal
D. CHEAP parts store TPS.
i chased a similar code on an 04wj. look at the wire harness as it goes behind the valve cover, there is a stud that melts into the harness. also the iac valve uses the same code as the tps, pull it out and clean/replace it. try those and maybe one will work for ya.
Replace your clockspring. Sounds weird, but I have been down the same road many times at the dealer. Clockspring can cause interferance in the TPS circuit and trip the code.
The code it pulled is a high voltage signal? Jody do you still think it could be the clockspring I thought about following the wires back to see if its grounding out anywhere and ill pull the iac valve and clean it then if none of that works ill check the clockspring its probably the most expensive and the most labor intensive amongst all the other options so it'll be last
If anyone asks where this came Chrysler account was hacked.

Case Number 999922753
Vehicle Issue MIL on SAE P0123 | Check for voltage bleed over on the speed control switch sense circuit.;Follow all appropriate diagnostics for the fault that is present. Prior to replacing parts, please review the explanation below in the recommendation field.
System or Component DTC / Error Message;Group 18 - Vehicle Performance / Driveability,Throttle Position Sensor (TPS),Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
Recommendation Check all connectors between the speed control switch and the PCM for moisture Internally the PCM uses the same A/D (analog to digital) converter for TPS voltage as it does for the speed control switch sense. If the v-37 circuit has voltage bleed over from another source, a code of TPS Shorted to voltage may be set in the PCM. The DN model equipped with rear heat option, has an external water pump to circulate coolant to the rear heater. If you find coolant in the bulkhead connector, the likely cause would be a leaking coolant pump. Pump should be replaced if found leaking. If the code sets when the A/C is turned on go right to the PDC connector, C130, and check for moisture. Check for a shorted clock spring causing the speed control 5 volt feed to be shorted to power.

Modification Date 03/11/05 3:51 PM