custom001 New Member Joined Dec 11, 2009 Location TN Jan 14, 2010 #1 Here are some dates that are open rides at Rocky Top OHV. Check out the months and try to come out for the open rides. Pages/Calendar.html
Here are some dates that are open rides at Rocky Top OHV. Check out the months and try to come out for the open rides. Pages/Calendar.html
JohnC Well-Known Member Joined May 9, 2005 Location Carthage, NC Jan 24, 2010 #2 Could not get web page to work, besides the calendar. Do you have more info, like location and what the park is like? Thanks John
Could not get web page to work, besides the calendar. Do you have more info, like location and what the park is like? Thanks John
McCracken Logan Can't See This Joined Jul 9, 2005 Location With your mom at a nice seafood dinner Jan 24, 2010 #3 I'll be honest, I can't even think about that place until I40 opens back up. I've always wanted to wheel it though.
I'll be honest, I can't even think about that place until I40 opens back up. I've always wanted to wheel it though.