Check this video out

and pretty much standard operating proceedure for mounting truck tires, seen MANY times, some times they even blow the tire off the wheel ( nice boom )

I have blown the tire off the wheel, trying to get my friends 44's on 16.5-inch rims to air up. Since no bead on a 16.5, could not get the tire to hold air without doing the fire trick. Used too much ether, and blew one side of the tire off the rim. It was freaking LOUD! :) Be careful when doing this!!! We have had way too many close calls, but sometimes this is the trick that gets the job done.
I tried several times using this to air up a 44x18x16.5 on a 16.5x10 rim and finally gave up and bought an inner tube.
The fun part is when the fire INSIDE the tire comsumes all the air, is hot enough to melt the inner casing and the tire sucks in on itself and VULCANIZES the inner side walls together. Especially when it is a NEW tire. cuz now ya need another one !

ALWAYS be sure to have a good air supply on hand and are inflating just after the bead seats. Having a fire extinguisher handy is a good thing too.

Of course, the prefferd method of seating large tires is with a burst tank, but where is the fun in that ?
