Cherokee air conditioning

Banned User

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
Got the air conditioning in my 2000 cherokee sport fixed, it had previously had a broken compressor core inside of the heater box behind dash. (sucks ALOT to get to).

After AC was fixed, it worked fine for about a day UNTIL i tested heat for about 3 seconds, and then tried to turn ac back on and only got heat. AC is fully charged, but it only blows heat now no matter what the setting... Some kind of fuse problem? any ideas?
Just to clarify:

1 Before- heat worked fine, when i turned heat off AC wasnt cold.

2 Got it fixed- then heat worked fine, and AC worked fine

3 Then turned it to "hot" and then back to "cold"- Now it blows very hot air for both heat and AC.
Check and make sure your compressor is coming on. Could be the trap door or your control panel not switching back over.
Theres a little box under the dash on the passenger side footwell that controls the switch from ac to heat. If that gets stuck you won't be able to go back and forth with the controls. You can take the little motor box off and see if thats working and able to turn the valve.

My switching back and forth didn't work well after I rebuild that core either. After awhile it lossened up and allowed it to go back and forth again
Theres a little box under the dash on the passenger side footwell that controls the switch from ac to heat. If that gets stuck you won't be able to go back and forth with the controls. You can take the little motor box off and see if thats working and able to turn the valve.

My switching back and forth didn't work well after I rebuild that core either. After awhile it lossened up and allowed it to go back and forth again
X2 Id bet a dollar to a dime thats the problem.
X2 Id bet a dollar to a dime thats the problem.

Can you dumb this down for someone who knows nothing about whats under my dash and nothing about AC? Do i have to strip the dash again? How long would i have to wait for this to correct it self, or what do i need to do to fix it?
Hmmm, no you don't have to take the dash apart to see it. It's a small box probably 3 inches by 4. Mine was black and screwed from the bottom into the dash above it. It's probably an inch deep. It's close to the shifter but on the passenger side.

If you paid someone to do the repair I'd think you could take it back to them and tell them it won't switch back and forth now. For mine I just loosened up that motor and got it to spin back to AC and left it there for the summer. I'll try to get a picture later if I think about it when I'm out.