Cherokee Rear Hatch Won't Open


May 21, 2009
Concord, NC
Hey all, I have a 2001 Cherokee and my rear hatch will not open. I've tried just about everything i can think of besides taking the bumper off. Today I tried to take the inside panel off but after taking out the 4 screws from the top it will not pop off. I need to get it open mainly because one of my brake lights is out.

Any help is welcome! Also I live in Concord, NC if anyone is near and wants to help.

sorry for your hassle. its a pain. ive done this a lot though for customers. once you have the top screw out, pop off that section and start to pop off the section right under the center of the window. it will feel like it wont but it will (the pop rivets are very stiff on those back hatches). then you just slide your hand in there and feel for that long rod right at bottom center of door and push on door while messing with that rod (push rod to left). you'll get eventually. I've not had one I couldn't do yet but they do suck. once off, look carefully at the rod from the handle and you'll see how to adjust it properly. good luck. hope goes well.
Try getting inside and kicking the ever-living shit out of it while somebody holds the latch release from outside the vehicle.