Chick-Fil-A hatin on gays again


Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
Chick Fil A Did WHAT After Gay Club Shooting? Why Isn't This Viral? ⋆ Dc Gazette
Chick Fil A Did WHAT After Gay Club Shooting?
Chick Fil A has made national news for it’s owners’ stance on gay marriage. Anytime they do something even remotely non-PC, their supposed slip up goes viral. Hash tags pop up all over the place.

So why is that what they have done in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting hasn’t received a single mention on the mainstream new outlets?

It’s probably because people like New York City Mayor, Bill DeBlasio might have to eat crow instead of chicken. DeBlasio has said that Chick Fil A spreads a message of hate.

Not so yesterday. In a shocking move, the Orlando location at University and Rouse Road fired up its grills on Sunday. The chain is notorious for not being open, ever, on the first day of the week. Employees cooked up hundreds of their famous chicken sandwiches. They brewed dozens of gallons of sweet tea.

Then, instead of making a single dime, they crated the product of their labor to the One Blood donation center. The food and drinks were handed out, free of charge, to all the people who had lined up to donate blood.

So far, the only mentions of the incident have been from individuals on Facebook. They have posted photos thanking the restaurant for their thoughtfulness and generosity.

But, wait, those people were waiting to give blood to victims that were mostly gay people. Doesn’t Chick Fil A hate gays? That’s what we keep being told.

Turns out, that while the founders definitely don’t approve of that choice of lifestyle, they believe in compassion. Who knew? A bunch of people claiming to be Christians care about others even when they don’t agree with them. This group took time out of their schedules to volunteer to help those who were also trying to do their part.

On top of that, the franchise’s location on Wells Road in Orange Park is even offering coupons for a free frosted lemonade to anyone who donates blood when the One Blood mobile unit is at there store on June 14.

So much for “Chick Fil hAte” becoming a thing.

© 2016 Vianna Vaughan
So they're still anti-gay, but they did something compassionate.

So they're still anti-gay......

You can be Anti-Gay or anti- wtf ever and still be a good / compassionate person/company.

Just because you don't agree with a lifestyle or others choices doesnt mean you have to hate them or wish them ill will.
Just because you don't agree with a lifestyle or others choices doesnt mean you have to hate them or wish them ill will.

Or publicly speak out against it as a corporation? ;)

Sorry. I'm glad they did something kind, and I think that's really good, but I'm still not on board with them as a company. They can believe what they want, and I'll still not give them my business as long as they somewhat publicly express those beliefs.

I know many other companies likely feel the same as they do (about gays, etc), but don't make public statements to that effect. That's the difference.
Or publicly speak out against it as a corporation? ;)

Sorry. I'm glad they did something kind, and I think that's really good, but I'm still not on board with them as a company. They can believe what they want, and I'll still not give them my business as long as they somewhat publicly express those beliefs.

Perfect, that's the way capitalism is supposed to work. You don't align with their ideas/beliefs so you can find a business that suits you better.

As long as we use this practice instead of demonizing a company for having the courage to actually stand for something that may not be whats the new cool thing these days.
Perfect, that's the way capitalism is supposed to work. You don't align with their ideas/beliefs so you can find a business that suits you better.

As long as we use this practice instead of demonizing a company for having the courage to actually stand for something that may not be whats the new cool thing these days.

That's exactly my point. I'm not demonizing them, I just see no need to give them my money. There are many things to stand for and use to reinforce the public image of your company, but something that alienates a segment of your country's citizens shouldn't be one of them.

There are so many positive things and values they can align themselves with as a Christian company, but choosing roughly "gay people are bad and wrong, and they don't deserve the same rights as other citizens" is such a poor choice. I know many people don't care or aren't bothered by that...
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We took our friends from Oregon, admittedly to a particularly diverse CFA. There were more black folk in there than in all of Portland.
Lol for 7 years I used to travel around the southeast with a co-worker and good friend of mine (black guy named Glenn, ex-military badass). We used to every now and then walk into chick filas that were in predominately white cities to get lunch. We'd be standing in line and I'd put on my overweight large black man voice and say "Man, why they so many white people up in here?" loud enough for everyone to hear. Of course everyone in the restaurant would turn and look directly at him as I stood there about to die laughing. He'd be embarrassed as heck for a few seconds but had the sense of humor to laugh along. And knew that if somebody stepped out of line and tried to confront him I'd be the first to step up and start busting some heads wide open no questions asked. :lol: Never had to, atleast not in a Chick fil A.
I miss working with that dude.
Perfect, that's the way capitalism is supposed to work. You don't align with their ideas/beliefs so you can find a business that suits you better.

Not really. It's an outgrowth of identarian politics -- if you don't conform to the group, you're shunned - loudly, frequently, and publicly. Dan Cathy isn't allowed to be an evangelical Christian, use the Bible as his moral compass, and run a business without being branded as a bigot and having people boycott his stores in the name of "ending hate". Nevermind that he nor the business ever discriminated against anyone. What's important is that he stepped off the reservation.

Fuck that shit.

This is what hate looks like:
There are so many positive things and values they can align themselves with as a Christian company, but choosing "gay people are bad and wrong, and they don't deserve the same rights as other citizens" is such a poor choice. I know many people don't care or aren't bothered by that...

Could you please post a link to where CFA actually said that?
Dan Cathy's comments and tweets as CEO are widely available.

They are.
He said that he believes homosexuality is a sin. He never said homosexuals dont deserve the same rights, to the contrary he said he loved them as brothers and would pray for them.
There are many things to stand for and use to reinforce the public image of your company, but something that alienates a segment of your country's citizens shouldn't be one of them.
Statements like this make me sad. It's this type of mentality that has led us - as a country - to place political correctness above standing up for what you believe in. Regardless of whether someone's stance is on guns, LGBT or little green men walking on the moon - I support their right to express them.
His gay marriage comments are definitely about rights.

you are better than this.

I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage". I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about

"We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. ... We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that," Cathy emphasized. "We intend to stay the course," he said. "We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles."

He never stated he wanted anything taken from them, only that morally he didnt align with creating a new law to allow an action that had never been legal in this country and forcing his company to sponsor said action.

Oh and FWIW I disagree with his stance but whole heartedly support his right to express it freely and un his business as he sees fit.
Statements like this make me sad. It's this type of mentality that has led us - as a country - to place political correctness above standing up for what you believe in. Regardless of whether someone's stance is on guns, LGBT or little green men walking on the moon - I support their right to express them.

That's true.. I do support his right to express himself, but I also admit to be swayed by it if I don't agree with his beliefs.

you are better than this.

He never stated he wanted anything taken from them, only that morally he didnt align with creating a new law to allow an action that had never been legal in this country and forcing his company to sponsor said action.

Oh and FWIW I disagree with his stance but whole heartedly support his right to express it freely and un his business as he sees fit.

I like this place, you guys really love a good debate. I'll admit to being totally outclassed here for off-the-cuff topics. :D

I should stick to engineering and not social issues, but I'm stubborn.
His gay marriage comments are definitely about rights.
Please do us a favor and quote something that shows exactly what you are referring to.
Because I don't see it.

As Ron pointed out, he has never, to my knowledge, said anything about removing rights or treating homosexual individuals any differently from others.
Statements like this make me sad. It's this type of mentality that has led us - as a country - to place political correctness above standing up for what you believe in. Regardless of whether someone's stance is on guns, LGBT or little green men walking on the moon - I support their right to express them.
VERY well said Sir!