I probably sound like a spokesperson for Jody, but in my experience, he is the man. I thought my truck was strong with the TS, until I drove it with the new programs. He will ask you all about your truck in order to give you the most beneficial tuning. I'm probably more pleased with the tranny tuning than anything. He set mine up so when I hit around 55 in OD, the TC locks, and remains locked until I slow down below 32 mph. When I have OD off, it'll lock around 45. Now, it'll actually hold back alittle on downhills. If I ever buy another PSD, I'll drive it straight to Asheville.
To give you an idea of his customer service, he programmed my chip, we went for a ride, came back, changed a few things and I was on my way. About 20-30 min after I left, he called me, just to make sure everything was right and I was 100% satisfied. He told me to turn around and bring it back if I wasn't.