Clearing a PS2 memory card??


Active Member
Apr 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC

ok, so maybe i'm behind in the video game world but whatever. a buddy gave me his ps2 and a memory card. but apparently the memory card is full. is there a way to clear the memory card??

idk for sure but i thought u could just delete files if you dont put a game in the ps2 and let it go to that menu where it says browser and settings or somethin like that then click the top option which i cant remember what it is then click on the card and start deleting...haha prolly not to helpful but ill check in a second and get the actual way to to do it
First step. grab a beer
Second step. turn the power on
ok heres were you start
Take out your CD ie: the game
turn it on and enter the browser
click that and then there will only be one option
Enter that then select the files you wanted to delete then delete them ez as pie