CNC Machining


DEI Hire
Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
Any of you guys do CNC work or know somebody that does?

I need a simple part CNC'd for a project I am working on at school, but the school shop is way backed up. I have a 3D model of the part. It is a ring with fins on it essentially, but the fins curve around the ring. We need to get this done in the next 2 weeks. A discounted price would be great, but we are willing to pay whatever it takes (within reason).
Check out midstate machine in Mount Ulla
I do, but to figure in set up and programing... you'd better have a lot of cash! I think our shop rate is about $100/hr.
:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
Oh yeah, we will need 4 axis capability, but I think setup and such should be really simple. It can all be done with a single endmill.
I would contact local trade schools or community colleges. Some are open to doing outside work for free in the name of education. With a 3D model in hand, and the right CNC interface, that model will translate directly into a fast setup with very little shop intervention. Years ago, I sent Pro/E models to Asia to have molds cut for plastic parts and sheetmetal parts blanked out with great results because the machines directly read and accepted 3D models.
