Co-worker (chick) with a Grand Cherokee having Issues


Uwharrie Off-Road Volunteering
Oct 23, 2007
Weddington, NC
Just throwing this out there in case there are is anyone out there willing to help. My truck is in no shape to make it out there and drag a Grand Cherokee, even though I have drug a Volvo before about the same distance.

The Grand has a very bad antifreeze leak, and shuts off randomly. So she needs a way to get it to her brother's auto tech school (30 minutes away) where they will work on it for free. She is 18 living on her own and her resources are limited (money etc). If anyone is willing to ride out to Waxhaw and help just shoot me a PM. She asked me if I could tow her with my truck, but my little 4 banger isn't set up for that long of a flat tow (I learned that the last time I did a flat tow with my first truck many moons ago).

Like I said just throwing this out there. Who knows maybe someone can help her fix it, or even better has a tow rig/trailer.
That's so bad... :lol:

If she knows anyone with AAA, you can get it towed for free... doesn't have to be your car. I've used mine to help friends, I just happened/had to be present.