coil spring recommendations


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
currently running a 3 link long arm front on a CJ7 with 350 and 8274 so the front is heavy. Leafs in rear. Front coils are 4" TJ. This was perfect with the D30, but now that I have switched to a narrowed D60, the springs need to toe back in a little as they come from outside the frame to inside of the C's. This is fine, but makes lots of noise rubbing the springs past the frame as I baja around. So I need a narrower (smaller OD) spring to compensate. Dont really want to run coilovers. Anybody know of springs that could hold my weight and be a bit smaller in OD than a TJ front coil? So, whatcha running, and whats the OD? Bronco, Disco, XJ, etc.
and Pirates search isnt working for me this AM, and I couldnt find the spec page on Rancho. maybe not enough coffee...