Cold weather wheeling tips


YHDG's adopted son!!!
Jun 19, 2007
high point
This weekend made me think about what people do for cold weather wheelin.. Here's two I used this weekend.
1. Cook up biscuits and fav meat and let cool all the way down and wrap in Alum foil. While out riding lay them on the defroster vent with the heat on high.(if in an open buggy lay on a muffler when you stop, wich also works for a hand warmer) When you stop you have a hot meal. I found it took 15-20 mkins to heat up a ham and chesse biscuit.

2. It's ok to use a catalyst heater in an open buggy. These are cheap and cheap to run. Just watch out for a nylon based gloves because it WILL melt them to the top of the heater.

Post up what you do to make cold weather bareable for wheeling...After this weekend I think most of it is mind over matter.
Take extra shoes and socks, at least. I always bring extra clothes anyway.

I've had Pepsi and Mt dew's freeze at a cooler is important too. Only, it's to keep them from freezing.

I always bring a drop cord and an electric blanket when tent camping at Callalante.

pre cook some smoked sausage,peppers and onions..wrap in foil...4.0 engines have 2 perfect places for oven space on each side of the engine.
We keep a sleeping bag in both of our daily drivers just in case of a breakdown or going off the road and being trapped. Good idea for a trail rig too.
Bump for Snappy's biscuits. Thanks dude!
uhhhh some sort of warm alcoholic treat....
a full tank of gas and a working heater. im sure some of the trailjammers will say something cause it seems every time we go wheeling im runnin out of gas lol.
Full tank of gas, spare gloves, socks, a tarp, and a sleeping bag. Don't go alone and have recovery gear (duh)

I like to take a little rubbermaid container for tools/wrenching, nothing disappears faster than tools that you set down on snow. Tarp or old vehicle floormats can insulate your back from the snow if you've got to lay under the rig.

If you're driving home, always check underneath on drive shafts and wheels, snow/ice stuck on rotating parts will make for some killer wobble.
i started to build a heater with an ammo can. I never finished it though. I need to find it and try to get it going again. Anyhow it was a small ammo can with a heater core shoved it it, and a blower motor mounted on one end. Had an intake on the other end.
A good woman.
A simple piece of lexan ziptied to the cage for an open air buggy and plastic sign material sip tied to the cage for temporary side panels and roof. If your really needy and in a pinch you can add a heater core and a 12v computer fan from radioshack. It's ghetto but it works. I always keep a heater core or two around for this reason. Or just some removable panels on the firewall to let in engine heat.
check ur gear oil if ya do a lot of mud or water. just pulled mine off the oil was froze solid. chris.
Hand warmer, Extra gloves, Extra food.
Intakes make great warmers. Double wrap in aluminum foil, and heat your meal as you go. Biscuits, hot pockets, left over Pizza, all good warm up foods.Thermos of coffee.
good boots and socks!!
food for trail you never know when you're getting back
a cooler that hopefully wont freeze like Dylan said
and smarts when to know when to back off.