Computer Help


Logan Can't See This
Jul 9, 2005
With your mom at a nice seafood dinner
OK so something shit the bed. It's under warranty so the dude came out and installed a new HD. We had to use these restore disks (6) to do something. Now when I turn it on it tries to start up off the disks instead of Windows 8.1 :shaking: Where do I go in the computer to get it to start up off the operating system versus the disks?
pull the disks out so it doesn't boot to it, you can go into the bios and pick a boot order.
As mentioned, if you want to change the "boot order", you can set this in the BIOS.
Most PCs, you get to the BIOS setup when it's first starting up, there'll be a little screen like "hit F12 to enter setup" or something.
Yeah I suck at this. I obviously have no idea. I got into the Bios screen by pressing F1. Got in and set it back to factory defaults. Still doesn't work. I have to tap F2 and choose to boot Windows 8.1 still.