computer people...


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
got a question about email... is there any virus/program or whatever out there that will randomly forward messages in your sent items to people in your address book and it show up to that contact as from a random numbered address (i.e.

basically what happened is an email someone had sent me from this past january was somehow forwarded to someone else in their contacts list recently, and showed up to that person as sent from a random numbered address. it was sent to someone i don't even know, so no way it was somehow sent from my account. any ideas?
Yes, you, or someone with your email address in their address book has a virus, the virus is sending itself out, using your email address in the from box. Could be you, could be someone else sending it.
ok, thanks. i realize viruses can send themselves from people's emails as generic messages/files, but i've never heard of one that actually sends emails you've written. just to be safe that i'm clear, i'll break it down a little more...

this past january, someone sent me an email they had personally written to me.

about two weeks ago that email was forwarded to someone else they know, whose address is stored on that account.

the email says it was sent/forwarded from a randomly numbered address at some domain, but the header/tags in the body of the email obviously show the address it was originally written from.

clear as mud? hopefully that's what you gathered from my original post...
not sure, but if you make a contact with the wrong info (like basically something that is unsendable) wouldn't that keep the email from being sent out? (i.e. in yahoo if you misspell the address and leave off the .com on one email it will not send any because it it needs confermation) make snice?
not sure i understand what you're saying? i'll throw another scenario out though (bear with me, lol...). we have person A, B, C.

person A sends person B an email in january 2006. Person B recieves this email.

in september 2006, person C recieves the email person A wrote to person B back in january. person C was never intended as a recipient. it is sent to person C from an anonymous address, but person A's name/email is in the body of the message so person C lets person A know what's happened.

person A knows both person B and person C. People B and C do not know eachother and have never exchanged any emails.

person A is obviously the common link. what i'm asking is if it's possible for a virus or something to have sent the email to person C, or would one of the two people that have the original email (person A and person B) had to have made up a random address somewhere to send the email to person C?

i'm sure i've completely confused you all now, haha... hopefully not, cuz i'm out of explanation ideas.:flipoff2:
no... IIRC it was yahoo mail. MIGHT have been squirrel web mail from a ga tech account, but i'm pretty sure it was yahoo.