Construction people: Site layout XY Laser beams GPS

Will Carter

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
Didn’t really know what to title this.

Short story:
I dig lots of holes in small areas that need to be +\- 1” in accuracy.
This weeks example: 73 holes 18” in diameter in a 35’ x 95’ area.

I’m given X Y coordinates for layout and am currently marking everything with stakes and 3 long tape measures. As you can imagine, this takes a minute or two.

Does a laser or GPS technology exist that can make life easier?

I just started my search so know about nothing of it.

Budget is $10,000 (or hopefully much less) for a practical solution.

Get a total station. GPS driven and is good for what you do. It’s a little expensive but makes life much easier.

A simple GPS Trimble May would do good too.
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