Converting a fifth-wheel to bumper pull...

That can't be legal!
speaking of stupid and RVs, check this out
That can't be legal!
Do you think there's actually a law on the books that says you can't tow a trailer in a different orientation than the way it was initially designed..? I'm sure you'd get pulled over, but they would probably site you with some safety violation, nothing specific.

Look how much it's lifting the back of the suv. Probably has to be in 4wd to pull it.
I would say they could shut you down immediately due to safety. It's a huge hazard to everyone on the road. Idk how it would be written up, but it's got to be against the law and safety standards.

It's def lifting the vehicle. I bet he didn't go to fast.
speaking of stupid and RVs, check this out

Damnit...... Another posting where the idiot has SC tags.... This ain't looking good for us lol
I wonder if the guy in the OP had the ball and hitch inverted so it would not pop up and off if the latch failed?

Now that is a creative idea
My granddad once flat towed his Honda from Ft. Lauderdale to Pennsylvania with it in gear behind his motor home. The sad thing was he was a really good mechanic apparently, but just didn't have much sense sometimes.

Glad I take after my other grandfather, who was a good mechanic and has good sense.......