Converting Dana 44 HP to 6 lug


Feb 28, 2010
society hill, sc
I am currently running a Wagoneer D44 front and want to swap over to a D44 HP from ford due to easy to install and wanting to set my front axle out further. I don't want spring mounts way out in front of my truck.

Here's what I have on in mind that I think will work.

take a dana 44 HP from a ford, put everything from ball joints out from my axle on it, then it should be 6 lug, keep my high steer and set my axle further forward without leaf springs. anyone know if this will interchange?
Easiest way to do is to swap everything from the knuckle out from the Waggy 44 you already have, to the Ford 44 inculding the outer axle shaft.
That will not work. The knuckles are cast to clear the brake calipers in one orientation only. Also due to the caster angle the tie rod would be tipped at a weird angle if you did try it. You can switch to a forward facing steering box (70's Ford, Scout II) and that will gain you maybe a foot, or you can just go to full hydraulic steering.
Weird, three posts just disappeared where you were asking about flipping the knuckles left to right to push the axle forward 2'?

I went and looked at what i was talking about doing and felt kinda stupid, I don't think the tie rod would clear the yoke. I do however think I have a plan together, might put the wedges off a ford axle on mine, use radius arms and bronco springs with stiff shocks....... I will figure out the steering after i get the axle moved, I might have to move the steering box to make it work
You can use Ford inners and Jeep outers, no custom stuff required. I am sure there are some vendors that would work some sort of deal on the entire set with u-joints.