HAPPY Mike B. Joined Feb 21, 2010 Location Granite Falls Sep 18, 2012 #1 You gotta watch it through....
GotWood Sayer of Fact Joined Jan 12, 2007 Location Maiden, NC Sep 19, 2012 #2 http://www.nc4x4.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-garage-epic-fails.123833/
HAPPY Mike B. Joined Feb 21, 2010 Location Granite Falls Sep 19, 2012 #4 It was meant as a joke.... hence the little dude....
GotWood Sayer of Fact Joined Jan 12, 2007 Location Maiden, NC Sep 19, 2012 #5 But I did as it said and watched the whole thing. I stand by my original post.
88 BII Well-Known Member Joined Feb 2, 2012 Location Raleigh Sep 19, 2012 #6 steve mcqueen would be proud. that cop is obviously a moron though. all he had to do was stop and eventually the bad guy would come back around to where he was.
steve mcqueen would be proud. that cop is obviously a moron though. all he had to do was stop and eventually the bad guy would come back around to where he was.
rodney eppes Well-Known Member Joined Feb 3, 2010 Location Mt.Holly NC 28120 Sep 20, 2012 #7 WAY COOL !
rodnocker Well-Known Member Joined Jun 15, 2011 Location Clayton NC Sep 21, 2012 #8 I liked it. Brought back memories of my step-dad and me racing a track a lot like that. We used to spray the turns with WD-40 to make it more interesting though.
I liked it. Brought back memories of my step-dad and me racing a track a lot like that. We used to spray the turns with WD-40 to make it more interesting though.