Many years ago, one really cold morning, my dad called me wanting me to come over. I told him I would, when it warmed up some. So he asks, Why? don't your heater work in your Jeep? And I replied, No, not too good anyway. I think I might need a new heater core" So Dad proceeds to tell me to take down to "Well's and Seals, Radiator shop" Ask them to flush it for you.
So I took it down there, told the guy that my dad said to bring it by to have the heater core flushed.
So I pull it in, over a drain. he let's the pressure off the system, unhooks both hoses off the heater core, and hooks up a water hose with some sort of attachment to it. turns on the water, and it flows to the ground. That's when I saw him hook up an air hose to the system too. As the water was flowing, he turned the handle on his home made contraption, and pushed air mixed with the water through the core. all kinds of stuff came out. He then switched it to push thru the other other side of the core, again, all kinds of stuff came out, switched it back and forth a couple of times until it was clear. Put it all back together, cranked it added fluid, and charged me $5. and I had heat that would run you out.
No chemicals.
Years later I made me one of those, and worked miracles several times on both my junk and others too. I loaned it out to someone, don't remember who, but it never came back home.