Coronavirus project thread

I did some minor dead limb trimming underneath my Japanese maple and weeded underneath it, and dug up a bunch of monkey grass and a pile of day lilies with a mattock. That maple is my stationary pet, it gets lots of attention.
Got the cage out of my TJ today. That was a job. I’ll be going back with a factory cage tomorrow if I have time. Should go in a lot faster than this one came out. Then putting some corner armor on to cover existing dents, flush LED tail lights, few other odds and ends.

Then on to mounting the console in the YJ, swapping a radio in the XJ along with a new brake caliper.
My list is shrinking and my wife is wanting to add to it!
My wife has been on to me to do this. The drivers rear door hasn't unlocked my itself in months!

I was able to replace all 5 in about an hour. I only had to remove the door panels and handles. The rear hatch was the easiest to get to but a pain to get back on. I bought all new Ford parts from Tasca Ford after reading some sketchy reviews of the cheap ones.
@tsconver what press are you using to load the 223? I went and resupplied my stuff over the weekend and am looking to get dies for 223, 300 blk, 45-70.

Well bought a trailer from my boss before he took it to get scrapped.

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We need better pics of that contraption so we can roast it!
Looks home made of a variety of build materials.
@tsconver what press are you using to load the 223? I went and resupplied my stuff over the weekend and am looking to get dies for 223, 300 blk, 45-70.

It is a Dillon 1050 with a Mark7 autodrive. It is a piece of art running.

Right now I am decapping, decrimping, sizing, and trimming. Then in will clean them all. Switch the head on the press with a head set up to prime, powder, drop the bullet , and seat it.


I have press envy :eek:. I'm just running an old Dillon 550b that I've had for years when I shot USPSA. Getting back into the reloading game(again). Still have a lot of my powders/bullets/primers plus plenty of cases. At my best I could put out 400rounds of 45acp in an hour...

I have press envy :eek:. I'm just running an old Dillon 550b that I've had for years when I shot USPSA. Getting back into the reloading game(again). Still have a lot of my powders/bullets/primers plus plenty of cases. At my best I could put out 400rounds of 45acp in an hour...

It is a beast. Got it used after the big ammo crunch a few years back. Added the drive to it. Sure beats pulling the handle. also got this for precision loads
