Well it's apparent you just hate him, and there are 2 sides to every story (Mcnabb for instance) think about this I really dislike Steve Smith of the Panthers, he is A great reciever, but if you watch him he mouths off after every play when he gets the ball to who ever is around him, I am sure you think he is god but watch him, 2 my point, Smith punched out Lucus last year at practice, you heard about it for about a week or so, you and I both know if Owens would have done that the media and haters would still be talking about it they would not have let it go, the media has alot to do the the whole TO attitude. You said it yourself he is and great athlete and at 35 almost 36 he plays just as good as a man in his 20's, so how can you say he is HOF player and also say he does nothing for the teams he plays for? Remember what he put himself through to be ready for the superbowl with the eagles after he broke his ankle and all the so called experts said there was no way he would be ready for the game, well he was in that game and had good stats for a man in his position. Is that not being A team player? I am done arguing with you about this, I hope he gets on A team that can get to the superbowl and win, cause in my opinion he deserves a ring. I know the cool thing is to dislike him and hope he fails, but I am one of few that has my own opinion and will voice it.