coyboys release TO


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2006
NORTH CAROLINA Statesville/Union Grove
Sorry cowboy fans now the playoffs want even be A thought with no Owens, it's stupid get rid of the leading reciever with 10 td's last year not to mention the whole recieving core only had A few more catches combined than Owens had by himself. Like him or not he is A great reciever, my opinion cowboys chose the guy to release.
Why would this be bothersome. TO had more drops than prob any other cowboy in 10 years. Williams will come to and the other receivers are fine. We haven't won a playoff game in 10+ think getting rid of TO is gonna make it worse?
They got rid of a 3 time locker room cancer who the quarterback doesnt have to worry about throwing to regardless of coverage. Addition by subtraction.
Why would this be bothersome. TO had more drops than prob any other cowboy in 10 years. Williams will come to and the other receivers are fine. We haven't won a playoff game in 10+ think getting rid of TO is gonna make it worse?

Yeah, he does drop the ball, but even with that he still has the stats of A hall of fame player, the hate people have for him always overshadows his talent, which shows ignorance, put him on A team with disapline and he will get the ring. Remember Randy Moss, how he use to act, the Pats got him(team of disapline) and now he is like and angel to the media. I don't know were he will end up, but haters better hope he don't end up in New England or in Indy (both have the money and room for him) and both has very mature QB's who won't crack under the TO pressure like Romo did.
Watch what Williams turns into without Owens...

Id be glad to place a friendly wager right now on more wins next year tha this
Watch what Williams turns into without Owens...

Id be glad to place a friendly wager right now on more wins next year tha this

Dang, I hate to bet agaist A fellow Clemson fan (I am assuming cause of your avatar) I don't know what will happen as far as wins, need to see what comes out of the draft, but I think they will miss Owens big plays, again like him or not he is A playmaker
Sorry cowboy fans now the playoffs want even be A thought with no Owens, it's stupid get rid of the leading reciever with 10 td's last year not to mention the whole recieving core only had A few more catches combined than Owens had by himself. Like him or not he is A great reciever, my opinion cowboys chose the guy to release.
Yeah, he does drop the ball, but even with that he still has the stats of A hall of fame player, the hate people have for him always overshadows his talent, which shows ignorance, put him on A team with disapline and he will get the ring. Remember Randy Moss, how he use to act, the Pats got him(team of disapline) and now he is like and angel to the media. I don't know were he will end up, but haters better hope he don't end up in New England or in Indy (both have the money and room for him) and both has very mature QB's who won't crack under the TO pressure like Romo did.
Dang, I hate to bet agaist A fellow Clemson fan (I am assuming cause of your avatar) I don't know what will happen as far as wins, need to see what comes out of the draft, but I think they will miss Owens big plays, again like him or not he is A playmaker
You don't need to capitalize "A" in a sentence, and you need to learn how to spell "discipline".

Besides all of that, TO is a cancer to any team he plays on. You can't even beginn to compare him to Moss. At least Randy Moss was already in the elite league of receivers (by stats) when he was traded to New England. TO has never proven to be of value to any team.
You don't need to capitalize "A" in a sentence, and you need to learn how to spell "discipline".
Besides all of that, TO is a cancer to any team he plays on. You can't even beginn to compare him to Moss. At least Randy Moss was already in the elite league of receivers (by stats) when he was traded to New England. TO has never proven to be of value to any team.

Please smartass feel free to come teach me, and as for TO not being any value to any team he has been own, what A joke you apparently need to study up yourself A little bit
Please smartass feel free to come teach me, and as for TO not being any value to any team he has been own, what A joke you apparently need to study up yourself A little bit
I'm a student of the game. Be my teacher and prove otherwise to me. What has he done for any team he's played on? Have the Cowboys ever done anything in the playoffs with him on the roster? How about the Eagles? Have they done just about as well without him as they have without him? He tears teams apart. He ruins the team cohesiveness with his "it's all about me" attitude. He is a cancer. Wait, let me give him a little credit since that's what you're soooo wanting to hear. Yes, he is a hell of an athlete and could be a HOF receiver if and only if he could learn football is a team sport.
I'm a student of the game. Be my teacher and prove otherwise to me. What has he done for any team he's played on? Have the Cowboys ever done anything in the playoffs with him on the roster? How about the Eagles? Have they done just about as well without him as they have without him? He tears teams apart. He ruins the team cohesiveness with his "it's all about me" attitude. He is a cancer. Wait, let me give him a little credit since that's what you're soooo wanting to hear. Yes, he is a hell of an athlete and could be a HOF receiver if and only if he could learn football is a team sport.

Well it's apparent you just hate him, and there are 2 sides to every story (Mcnabb for instance) think about this I really dislike Steve Smith of the Panthers, he is A great reciever, but if you watch him he mouths off after every play when he gets the ball to who ever is around him, I am sure you think he is god but watch him, 2 my point, Smith punched out Lucus last year at practice, you heard about it for about a week or so, you and I both know if Owens would have done that the media and haters would still be talking about it they would not have let it go, the media has alot to do the the whole TO attitude. You said it yourself he is and great athlete and at 35 almost 36 he plays just as good as a man in his 20's, so how can you say he is HOF player and also say he does nothing for the teams he plays for? Remember what he put himself through to be ready for the superbowl with the eagles after he broke his ankle and all the so called experts said there was no way he would be ready for the game, well he was in that game and had good stats for a man in his position. Is that not being A team player? I am done arguing with you about this, I hope he gets on A team that can get to the superbowl and win, cause in my opinion he deserves a ring. I know the cool thing is to dislike him and hope he fails, but I am one of few that has my own opinion and will voice it.
Well it's apparent you just hate him, and there are 2 sides to every story (Mcnabb for instance) think about this I really dislike Steve Smith of the Panthers, he is A great reciever, but if you watch him he mouths off after every play when he gets the ball to who ever is around him, I am sure you think he is god but watch him, 2 my point, Smith punched out Lucus last year at practice, you heard about it for about a week or so, you and I both know if Owens would have done that the media and haters would still be talking about it they would not have let it go, the media has alot to do the the whole TO attitude. You said it yourself he is and great athlete and at 35 almost 36 he plays just as good as a man in his 20's, so how can you say he is HOF player and also say he does nothing for the teams he plays for? Remember what he put himself through to be ready for the superbowl with the eagles after he broke his ankle and all the so called experts said there was no way he would be ready for the game, well he was in that game and had good stats for a man in his position. Is that not being A team player? I am done arguing with you about this, I hope he gets on A team that can get to the superbowl and win, cause in my opinion he deserves a ring. I know the cool thing is to dislike him and hope he fails, but I am one of few that has my own opinion and will voice it.
Ok, in the order it was brought up:

No, don't hate him.

Don't really care for Steve Smith. Not a Panthers fan.

I said he could be a HOF player if he could stop running his mouth and think of his team first.

He doesn't deserve a ring as he's not a team player. You can't site one postseason and not think of the rest of his career. Dan Marino deserves a ring, not TO.

Hook, line and sinker.:flipoff2:
Ok, in the order it was brought up:
No, don't hate him.
Don't really care for Steve Smith. Not a Panthers fan.
I said he could be a HOF player if he could stop running his mouth and think of his team first.
He doesn't deserve a ring as he's not a team player. You can't site one postseason and not think of the rest of his career. Dan Marino deserves a ring, not TO.
Hook, line and sinker.:flipoff2:

Like I said before I bet there are way harder to get along with players than TO, the media just don't feed on them, and as far as him not being a team player how come always when there is controversy half the team sides with him? Off the TO subject, I am asking this to see who I am dealing with, do you think Michael Vick got screwed in his sentence for the dog fighting?
To is a waste of good oxygen.
Steve Smith is as well.
And on Smith that comes from a personal knowledge of the man not an on TV persona
BTW who are the chefs?
Off the TO subject, I am asking this to see who I am dealing with, do you think Michael Vick got screwed in his sentence for the dog fighting?
Nope. He deserves to not only burn in hell, but to never be in the public eye again. NFL players have to understand that they are under a microscope and have to be held accountable for their actions on and off the field.
T.O. got to go

Just to throw my 2 cents in. Just because you are one of the most talented wr's in the past 10 years it does not mean you should not be held accountable for your attitude and actions. As we are seeing in all of the major sports the days on it's all about me is growing thin with team owners. Examples.... Barry Bonds, Manny, Marbury, etc. I mean really T O is a great w r but he does not deserve all this attention in the media or by anyone. The more the media has fed into this stuff that goes on with him the more he seems to act out. T O has his own little soap opera going. Maybe if a few years ago he had been left off a team for a year or two and made to appreciate the game he would be a different guy. But instead anytime he has ran into problems somewhere there has been a team waiting in the wings to pick him up. I hate to say it but it will be the same case again, just wonder what qb he will tear down this time.
Nope. He deserves to not only burn in hell, but to never be in the public eye again. NFL players have to understand that they are under a microscope and have to be held accountable for their actions on and off the field.

That is what I exspected, he was held accountable for his actions and then some, 1st don't get me wrong I think people who get off fighting dogs should be put in the ring themselves, I love dogs and none of them should be mistreated. If It would have been you or I with the same charges we would have been slapped on the butt and had some community service. They tried to make and exsample out of him and in my opinion did.
As a lifetime Cowboys fan I will have to say that I am glad TO is gone. Williams, Witten, Austin and Crayton can get the job done. The Cowboys probably have the best offensive line in the league........they just need Romo to make good choices on the field. Maybe with the "distraction" gone it will happen.
I am from the Charles Barkely school of thought when he said, "I am not a role model."
Athletes should not be role models to kids, too often they are all they have.

If I was an owner, I wouldnt care how many dogs were murdered, drugs were done, or mistresses were screwed.


My problem with TO, is he isnt that good. As a die hard life long Cowboys fan I always hoped the Boys won 99-0 and TO was carried off the field on a stretcher. He is a POS human being and has proven that time and again. He has great numbers, but has rarely been a great player. He has amassed numbers by making those around him focus on him because they were scared of the tantrum he would throw if he was not the spotlight.
If I was an owner, I wouldnt care how many dogs were murdered, drugs were done, or mistresses were screwed.

Too bad the NFL has that pesky personal conduct rules. The owners may own the teams, the players play for the owners, however the league makes the rules that they all have to play and live by. So I guess in a way, the NFL president has the final say on what the players can and can't do since they represent the whole league. Simple as that. Keep your life straight or find another job. With as much as these shitheads are paid, you'd think they'd be able to handle keeping their lives straight for just a few years while they're playing, then they can do whatever the fawk they want afterwards.
Well it's apparent you just hate him, and there are 2 sides to every story (Mcnabb for instance)
What is that Supposed to mean?
Oh and as a DieHard Eagles fan 44-6 thats all im going to say to all you cowgirls out there.
as for TO
5 All star and 6 pro bowls dont mean crap when you cant play on a team for longer than a season or two.
Nobody wants him not one team out there with a decent shot at a superbowl or halfway decent season wants anything to do with him.
anyone with a decent team with good team chemistry would be a fool to go anywhere near that bum
the only people who are even going to bother with him are the teams that have no shot at anything remotely resembling a playoff berth.
Cheifs might take him in
Rams could probably be persuaded
Lions more than likely will end up with him
however im pretty sure schwartz doesnt want to have to deal with TO and rebuilding the Lions.
I think TO has O.D'd for the last time my friends.