Cracker Shells....


Slow n easy when you're not gettin greasy....
Jan 12, 2009
Fort Mill / Indian Land SC
No this isn't a thread about white people.....

I have nuisance dogs in the neighborhood and was looking for a way of running them off other than straight out shooting them. Doing some research I found these cracker shells. I was just wondering if anyone had any prior experience with them? If so, just how loud are they?

Looks like those go out quite a distance before going off. Are the dogs nearby? I'd probably go with blanks in a revolver if I wanted the noise closer.
Hahaha that's the other reason I wanna get some.... Dang things are expensive though.
Just adopt a pet bear and be done with it. You will not have to worry about dogs coming by anymore I promise. :lol:
BB gun. We had nuisance dogs where we used to live, and it only took a couple of weeks of ribshots to convince them our place was not where they wanted to be.
We could watch the dogs trotting through the neighborhood ..... they would cross the road when they got to our yard.

Paintball gun