cough . . . from a event organizers standpoint who has to put on stuff like this all the time . . .
its spectators, that tend to cause the problems - hear me out
people like myself sacrifice what they truly love to do in order to put events on for spectators (I mean heck I don't even have a Daily Driver, its broke and I can't afford to fix it because I put on all these events FOR YALL SPECTATORS)
Then come event time we buy all this insurance, go broke paying purses, advertising, security, whatever
spend a ton of time marking off areas with tape (standard insurance saftey regulation is 15 ft back from any action, I do this every weekend, thats what it is)
and then on high speed races such as this - where the course is so big you as an event organizer and all your staff and security that have you cannot physically cover that much area to tell people to stand back
and all the spectators like to go right past the tape, walk where they arnt supposed to, etc, etc
because they wanted a good view
I'm not defending anyones driving here or siding with anyone on the particular drivers decision to gas it towards the spectators
I am however simply taking this opportunity to ask please to the community as a whole:
think about that next time your at an event and myself or whoever is putting it on isnt physically in the spot your at to tell you to back up all day long cause you keep edging forward to get a better view and ignore the safety precautions we try to setup in the first place.
And I'd even give you a high five if you were staying in the designated areas and did me a huge favor and told whatever freakin yahoo beside you thats walking out right where they're not supposed to to stand back
Like I said from an event organizer standpoint I'm not pointing fingers at anyone and safety is of the utmost concern, no questions asked, but lets work together, if you see something not cool, tell the person to back up or get out of the way.
And if there is an honest saftey concern please inform the folks in charge, maybe they overlooked it.
(I will say, from my standpoint, as long as the 15 ft barrier that insurance requires is in place, I'm not going out of my way to do anything further, otherwise I'd do that all day and not be able to put on an event.)
Its a good thing I don't do this event crap for the money and have a bigger Goal in mind, cause I don't have any kinda play toy, don't have a DD, heck can't even go buy a new pair of jeans cause I just spent my last dime for this week paying off one of my staff
So maybe help out a bit at events with idiots in the crowd or raise concerns to the staff at the event, heck if you honestly helped out like that and told me something I missed I might even give you a free t shirt for catchin a problem before it happens, I'm everyones friend, so lets work together on it all