Well I kept watching Craigslist and there were various timber guys on there and TREEFROG went out there and found there was enough Poplar to make it worth his while.
We walked it together last night and he is going to go thru and cut down just the really HUGE poplar trees (stuff I couldn't get my arms around) and then a few others as well.
He is also going to clear out the area where the house will be and get rid of the scrub pines that are where my septic field will go!
I will make a little bit of cash (% of his take from the big trees) and I will get quite a bit of clearing done too! I figure the rest I will either do myself or take the cash and be able to hire someone!
I will have to look into burning regs, this is NOT in the city limits and I will have a bunch of little stuff I will want to put in a big pile and burn at some point.
I will take some pictures as we do this, I keep forgetting to take my nice camera with me to the new property!! Looking fwd to getting this rolling, tis a good excuse to pickup a bit of equipment/toys!!