You can do the same thing without a credit card, plus, it's cash back, not gift cards, etc. May not be as 'good' as a CC rewards program (may be better), but it's alot harder to get in trouble with one. And as I am typing this, I see the Perkstreet ad on NC4x4, go figure... (link to their site below)
I understand you people say as long as you are 'responsible' you won't get in trouble with a CC, I guess I see it that I am responsible enough to not WANT a credit card. I HATE making payments on anything, even if I used the CC to make other payments, and then just pay the CC bill, it's just another payment that has to be made. I just don't see the point of adding risk to your life with a CC, sure, you might not ever use it as money you don't have, but then again you might...
As for having a CC to build credit, I never had one, bought a truck with a loan (won't do that again either, even though I paid it off in 1.5yrs), and bought a house... You can buy a house with a ZERO credit score.