CUCUMBER'S How to help


New Member
May 20, 2011
I having problems keeping the pill bugs off my cucumber's?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

i have raised everything indoors to help it become more mature to prevent them from eating my babies. until they are a little hardier . however i still have the problems. they are doing great i just cant keep em off.

any suggestions?
this thread is already too funny...i am dying of laughter. lol

i will take pics again after it stops raining its starting to come down pretty hard again.
Get an old sock & put some "seven dust" in it. tie a knot in the open end & dust the area around them. Lowes or any hardware store will carry it. Safe around human & animals.
x4 on the seven. It keeps shit off your plants
i tried 7 dust and not the music... i also tried cayenne pepper and chili powder.

I just hope the rain has drowned them.. once its dry i am gonna go check... its soaking wet still and looks like its gonna rain more and more.

thanks seriously for the help.. and pickles is the next project if i can grow them , hehe

all my fruit trees of course are doing wonderful.. thanks for the rain ...yeah!

Also, if he is going to be gone more often out west i am gonna have to get a log splitter .. advice? logsplitter advice. < just the log splitter.. not about poop.
Fruit tree tip..... Find someone with a brake rotor turner and get the shaving and put around your fruit trees. They will produce ALOT more fruit because of the iron.
I dont live in Pickleville. I am trying to make some.. and i have done all the things everyone has suggested. I am next year going to raise the beds... I will just use raised beds next season.. that will solve everything. This state has crazy bugs... in addition to other things.. lol
We keep our cucumbers in the fruit drawer in the bottom of the refrigerator and they can't find them there! Works very well for us!