I get the "new car, no problems, lease is up, it is gone" idea....but that doesn't set a great mindset for the future......I have probably been through 100 cars give or take in my day....and every one starts out as something that is "mine" and something that I have to take care of. I am not sure what starting out with a car that I knew would be turned into the dealer in 24 months would have done to that mindset.....16 year old me probably would have treated that rig like a rental! I think this makes you look at everything as disposable, don't fix it....get a new one!
One of my fondest memories as a kid was spending the better part of a year going through the penny saver and the local classifieds trying to find vehicles that my father and I would go look at.......this was long before the internet and instant pictures......I learned how to talk to people on the phone, how to take directions, and how to feel out people and the B.S. they were pushing.