Cutting Torch/ Tank age ???


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
I was told tanks can only be a certain age. How old can tanks be before they won't swap them anymore?

These would be the small portable 10 and 20 cubic ft tanks...

How do you tell the age?

also will anyone swap there smaller tanks ?

I was told tanks can only be a certain age. How old can tanks be before they won't swap them anymore?
These would be the small portable 10 and 20 cubic ft tanks...
How do you tell the age?
also will anyone swap there smaller tanks ?
There is a date on them and some places want it to still be good to swap out but with as many places that swap them out they are all tested and re dated if it was old. TSC and northern along with some hardware stores swap them out.
My small tanks get swaped at northern or TSC with TSC being a better price even better then all the welding shops. Also if you swap them out you can do it 7 days a week and late night for some not 9-5 like National.
Are you asking if someone will swap your tanks you have for a different size?
Tell me more what you are wanting to do?
""also will anyone swap there smaller tanks ? ""
You wanting to swap or sell your large tanks for small ones? Thinking you just got a small setup?
I did take a tank that was CO2 in and swap for a larger welding tank of mix Ar-co2 you just pay the difference in the cost of the tanks.

Currently i have the large tanks on a cart, the 120/160 (i think) sizes i swap them at the welding shop here in Durham. I bought the tanks 4-5 years ago.. With the plasma cutter i have I don't use the tanks a whole lot anymore, but still want to have a torch setup. So basicilly im wanting to down size..

Since I bought my tanks im not looking to just trade them in on the small ones, i spent a good bit on the big tanks... edit: when I say bought i realize you can't own the tanks, but its like 100year lease w/ no monthly fee, but im not sure that entitles me to a refund if i simply take them back..

--- With the TSC or Northern, don't you have to 'buy in' to their specific tank swap setup, smiler to the blue rhino propane tanks??
Currently i have the large tanks on a cart, the 120/160 (i think) sizes i swap them at the welding shop here in Durham. I bought the tanks 4-5 years ago.. With the plasma cutter i have I don't use the tanks a whole lot anymore, but still want to have a torch setup. So basicilly im wanting to down size..

Since I bought my tanks im not looking to just trade them in on the small ones, i spent a good bit on the big tanks... edit: when I say bought i realize you can't own the tanks, but its like 100year lease w/ no monthly fee, but im not sure that entitles me to a refund if i simply take them back..

--- With the TSC or Northern, don't you have to 'buy in' to their specific tank swap setup, smiler to the blue rhino propane tanks??
Yes it is a buy in for the large tanks 15$-20$but the small ones not.
You can buy tanks and there is a difference when you lease and buy a tank.
All the home depot and lowes sell tanks and welding kits and you dont do any type of lease you buy them.
Should be able to trade your out like 2 small ones for a large one or something like that. I got most of my tanks used and traded them out or had them filled. If you just want to trade to smaller ones I have some 75 and 90's I think.
I know some people talk about a buy in like the propane buy in, on the propane you use your old tank as a buy in or the first time you get one you just pay for a new tank and gas. SO you get a tank each time to replace yours and the only cost it gas. You will have a tank and can keep it or fill it any place you want.
I have been using Blue Rhino for years and some times take the tanks to fill at the cheepest place or swap them out.
Well I called the place i got the tanks, and I definitely own my tanks... They did offer to allow me to trade down with ZERO payment for any lost $ I spent originally. But did say I was free to do what I wanted with them... So ill be putting em up for sale...

on the small portable 10/20 tanks they did say they don't care much about those and do a straight tank exchange...

anyone want some big tanks on a cart ????
Well I called the place i got the tanks, and I definitely own my tanks... They did offer to allow me to trade down with ZERO payment for any lost $ I spent originally. But did say I was free to do what I wanted with them... So ill be putting em up for sale...

on the small portable 10/20 tanks they did say they don't care much about those and do a straight tank exchange...

anyone want some big tanks on a cart ????

What you going to want for them?
DO they have a ring neck on them? THat is the ring that some places use to mark there tanks like a big ring plate with National welding supply ect .
Those tanks are sometimes hard to take to others to fill and people think that you are on a fill- lease and do not own them.
I got one from national and the next time I take it back I need to make sure that they don't give me one with it there as Northern does not like to take it....
I don;t know how much to ask for them, I know it hurt my wallet when i originally bought them but I need to find my receipt and go from there... Don't expect to get em for $100. I also have a large hand truck that I've modified to hold the tanks and an ammo box to hold tips/tools/sticker etc.. and a hook to hang the caps on the bottom..

I got the tanks from here...

Yes they have rings on them. Here is a list of their locations around the state.. I also have the thread on caps for the tanks..
just for so you know, the rings come off, not sure if they are threaded or just sit in top, but I have seen whole tubs of those rings at the gas places I service and they appear to just drop on.

What I would be most concerned with it sht hydro-stat date , should be stamped into the bottle somewhere near the top as to the last test date, I think it's 12 years from that date before they have to be hydrostatically tested again.
Talking about tank age, when I worked as a millwright back in the late 80s I got in the habbit of checking original tank dates. I found a lot of tanks from the early 40s, WW2 vintage. The oldest tank I found was 1908.
sounds like you got your answer, but i'll post my experience to add.

when i first got into doing any kind of metal work, i got a hand me down set (owned outright) from my dad that had been his dad's. they were only used occasionally in plumbing work. they were dated in the late 1960's, and hadn't been filled in years.

i took them to national, and was told if they had the correct valves (they didn't) they could still be filled upon an inspection. since they had some marking that they were originally purchased at a company national bought out, they swapped them for a used up to date set. they eve gave me a larger size free of charge since the size i had is no longer made. i just payed the refill fee.

btw, that's the only positive experience i've ever had with national. :rolleyes: