CYJKrawler Is Alive !!! And better then ever !!! Just w/ a new name


Apr 18, 2005
Greensboro, NC
Seeing as how there is little Y left to the Krawler and no one knows how to pronounce CYJKrawler :) and I felt like I needed something new in my life :) the former CYJKrawler is now and forever more, until the next time I feel like I need a change, JC.
just chillin' heart slowed...but seriously
Jackie Chan,
Jacques Cousteau,
Jackie Collins,
Joan Crawford,
Jimmy Connors,
Johnny Cochrane,
Jimmy Carter,
Jose Carerras,
Julia Child,
Jacques Cartier,
James Cook,
Julius Caesar,
Joseph Clark,
John Constable,
Johnny Carson,
John Candy,
Jesus H. Christ,
James Caan,
June Carter,
Joan Cusak,
Juliet Capulet,
John Calvin,
John Cassavettes,
Jim Carrey,
John Chancellor,
John Cheever,
John Crittendon,
John Cage,
Jose Canseco,
Judy Collins,
John Cusak,
Jennifer Capriati,
Julie Christie,
Jan Comenius,
James Cagney,
John S. Copely,
John Chrysostom,
Johnny "Appleseed" Chapman,
John Coleridge,
John Creighton,
Jane Curtain,
James Clavell,
Jennifer Connoly,
James Coburn,
John Crichton,
June Cleaver,
Joe Cool,
Jim Crow,
Jed Clampett
Jimminy Cricket
like the new thread title