D35 Carrier questions


New Member
Jun 14, 2005
Ok, I have a d35c that broke on me. It had a trac-lok and ABS installed. I was able to get my hands on an old d35c with a trac-lok. Only thing is the axle is not set up for ABS and it is rusted drum to drum. I want to replace the carrier from the d35c that isn't busted and put it into my axle that is under the jeep now. This is my first time messing with the carriers and I have no experience changing them out. Will these two carriers switch out? They both have the same gears, and I'm assuming the same spline count. If they will swap out, can anyone point me to a good writeup on how to replace the carrier? Thanks for your help - Mike
I've never opened up a trak-lok so I don't know what all is involved with getting the c-clips out with one of them. If you are fairly mechanically inclined you can replace the carrier yourself. The gears don't necessarily have to be redone from scratch. The pinion depth is already set for the case so all you need to do is get the backlash right with the new carrier. I suppose you might even be able to use the ring gear from the new axle. If the backlash with the new carrier is within the factory specs then you are good to go. If not, then you'll need to start changing shims to get it right. The d35 is not as bad as the d30 because the shims ride outside of the carrier bearings. Don't know if any write-up that shows this kinda swap. I have one on my site that shows putting a lock right in a D30.
I tried today to take the "new" carrier out today. I just couldn't figure out how to get the axles pushed in enough to get to those c clips. I might not have tried hard enough, I just can't afford to break anything in the working carrier.
Did you take the center pin out? That can be hard to do because there's a lock srew that holds it in. It's some type of knurled star nut thing that usually gets mangled when you take it out.

The shafts only need to slide in about 1/2" to get the c clip out. They should just slip off with some needle nose pliers, too. There's no tension on them.

That help?
I noticed that the lock screw was missing. So I can slide the center pin out, push the shafts in and remove the clips correct?
kilby said:
Did you take the center pin out? That can be hard to do because there's a lock srew that holds it in. It's some type of knurled star nut thing that usually gets mangled when you take it out.

The shafts only need to slide in about 1/2" to get the c clip out. They should just slip off with some needle nose pliers, too. There's no tension on them.

That help?

it takes a 12pt 1/4" wrench :beer:
Kevin Lawler said:
I suppose you might even be able to use the ring gear from the new axle

do not do that, keep the original ring gear, the gears now have set wear pattterns and you would not want to interchange them, It would cause noises and other problems down the road. As far as swapping the carrier your biggest concern is going to be that your backlash is set back to within spec after switching them out. Take a look at this, it will give you alot of good info http://randysringandpinion.com/downloads/yukoninstman.pdf
Unless the new carrier has the exact same dimensions as the old one AND the backlash is exactly the same he's going to get a new wear pattern anyway. Wouldn't matter if the new wear pattern was on the old ring gear or new. The new wear pattern just means there will be a larger work hardened area on the ring gear.
Carrier dimmensions? what garbage is that? Thats why you have backlash to set, Thats why you check your backlash before you pull it out, and reset when you re-install it. If you are real anal you even run a pattern with gear paint before and afterwards. You mix and match gear sets you are gonna have some noise and problems eventually, just my 2 cents. Why be lazy and not swap them over in the first place?

Kevin Lawler said:
Unless the new carrier has the exact same dimensions as the old one AND the backlash is exactly the same he's going to get a new wear pattern anyway. Wouldn't matter if the new wear pattern was on the old ring gear or new. The new wear pattern just means there will be a larger work hardened area on the ring gear.
Kevin Lawler said:
Why do you check the backlash before you take it out?

to see where it was set at, so you can set it there again to get the same gear pattern. Yes it has specs that it can be set within. But it is best to set it back to what it was as long as it was in spec to begin with, this will give you the same gear pattern and not cause noise with the setup
On second thought, Lee's right. Don't mix the new ring gear with the old pinion gear. Gear sets are matched by the manufacturer on a test set and specific set up settings are engraved into them.
I wasn't going to mix the ring and gears. Turns out there wasn't any 12pt 1/4 bolt holding the carrier pin in. It was just a crush sleve. I measured the backlash and it was within specs. Though I bet it will change with the new housing and gear ring. Also worth mentioning is that the axle I bought must have been before they went to a c-clip design because it didn't have any! Tomorrow I'll find out if the carriers will swap without problems.