Daily garage rental?


Oct 22, 2010
so this might sound like a dumb question, but is there such a thing as a DIY'er garage that rents space by the hour or day? I have a ton of work I want to do but I don't have a garage and it's too hot to work out in the sun all day. I'm guessing the answer is no for insurance liability reasons would make it too expensive to operate, but if TechShop can do that seems like somebody could do a garage too.
nevermind, I see you've heard of techshop. that is who i was recommending. What is wrong with Techshop for your needs?
Um, Techshop isn't a garage?

Edit: Let me elaborate. I have a driveway. I have a Jeep. I have tools. I do NOT have a garage with A/C. It's freakin' hot outside. I want a space where I can pay to pull the Jeep inside, jack it up and work on it, and have access to a bathroom, electrical outlets, water faucet, sink, maybe a bench. If you could also pay a nominal fee for access to different tools, that would be even better.
The larger majority of the folks here have been in the same boat as you are now. Here's a few ideas. Not sure of what all you need to do, but,...

An EZ up canopy will keep the direct sunshine off of you, as will a $99 10X20 canopy from Northern Tool
With some cover, a cage fan helps out a lot.
When it's excessive hot, a cold towel around your neck, and or on your head will keep your body temp down and allow you to continue on.
Again, not knowing much about you or your schedule, one thing I did when I was having to do a lot to my Jeep, I worked late hours and even all night, when it was cooler, and left it alone and slept during the day.
I was also fortunate enough to have some friends who allowed me into their shop to use to do some projects at different times. I did my best to not over stay my welcome, always cleaned up my messes, in other words, I was a good visitor.
Just some ideas
i think there was someone in charlotte opening one of these shops you are talking about. i read it in the paper awhile back. with the growing tight restriction neighborhoods these idea sounds like it would be profitable.
Well, now I feel like an idiot. There's one of these places opened up just up the road from me, saw it running errands yesterday. I don't think it has A/C, but has lifts and tools. Rent by the hour. If y'all cared to know.