Dana 300 End Play


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
Norfolk, VA
Calling all who have installed new gears into an old fashioned transfer case :)

Key points:
  • dana 300
  • lomax 4:1 gears
  • master rebuild (bearings and seals)
The instructions say to measure end play 0.002"-0.005" after shimming the rear output bearing and torquing the rear yoke on. I noticed before I torque the yoke on the shaft has probably 0.10" of play. With the yoke torqued on and budging it delicately with my hand/screwdriver I get a ball park of 0.001"-0.004" (my dial indicator probably ins't 100% accurate). Basically there is movement. Current shim pack is 0.027".

I tried 0.029" and it looked to have over 0.005" of end play. I tried 0.024" and I could barely get the dial needle to even move. 0.027" is what the original shims measured when I took it apart originally so I am thinking I have hit the lotto.

Here is where I am temped to move onto the front output but wanted to check with some people with experience as I do not want this thing busting a bearing or seizing on the highway. Was I correct to measure endplay after I torque the yoke on?
Here is a video of me spinning the rear yoke with the current shim pack. Don't really feel much of a drag while turning...
(video may still be processing in photobucket)
Sounds right to me. Especially if the original shim pack was 0.027". Tolerances are really tight on bearings, so it shouldn't move much.

Okay. I had a feeling I was heading down the right path but I am not very familiar with measuring end play.

Can end play technically also be radial movement? I feel a smidge play radially also.

I plan on trying to take 0.002" out of the pack and see what results I get. If they aren't good I will probably just put the 0.027" pack back in a wrap this whole thing up.

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There for a minute I thought you were talking about a new girl named Dana that you met that was into some kinky stuff. :flipoff2:
Okay. I had a feeling I was heading down the right path but I am not very familiar with measuring end play.

Can end play technically also be radial movement? I feel a smidge play radially also.

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With a tapered bearing, end play will result in radial movement. It will be less than the end play ammount though and barely noticeable.