Darn it, now you guys have me worried that I need to pull the transfer case, replace the seals, etc. This will be my first time messing with it so I have plenty to learn. I was hoping it would be a nice bearing replacement, which seemed like a fairly easy job.
Maybe I should have outlined all the history in the first post. Sometimes when you do that people don't want to read a book so I kept it short. I have a habit of writing long posts but I try to keep my questions to the point. Anyway, here is the background.
Over the last few rides a noise has been developing from what I *thought* was the rear axle. At first I thought it was just a rub I could ignore (mud on disc brake or something). After it a bit it squealed enough I figured it needed attention. I put it up on jackstands and gave it gas while it was in drive. With that, I could tell with full certainty that the grinding/squealing was coming from the t-case. On top of that, it seems to be coming from the back of the t-case on that bolt on housing for the rear output. It has tera HD outputs. Finally, there is play in the rear output. I took some video of it that you can see here:
All this made me think, it's the bearings. That explains the noise and the play. When you couple that with the fact that the driveshaft just broken going slow on a hill I can climb in a ford focus it make me think the driveshaft, which wouldn't expland/collapse, just put wear on the t-case and ruin the bearings.
As I type this up it still sounds like a pretty good theory to me. But I also worry that as I added too much fluid to the tf999 that I might have caused it to push into the t-case. I've been adding fluid because it would slip at steep angles.