dana 300 or toyota duals...


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
winston salem
still working on my toyota and have the suspension parts coming(rears up front, chevy rears with skys kit) and now turning my focus to the drive train.

I am wondering peoples opinion on running a dana 300 or toyota duals behind the 4.3 v6/th350.

4.38 gears in the axles and running 37" tires.

Ill be driving it to the trails and back;places like URE.

so...option 1) dana 300 w/4.1 hopefully
2) toyota duals with stock gears or if money allows 4.7 in rear

any advice, input would be great.
Toyota duals. Marlin Crawler. 4.7 or super crawler Way more options in gearing and a much better crawl ratio.
if i went with the dana 300 i could go ahead and get it running then when money allows put in 4.1 gears. And i guess the same holds true for duals but would i need to upgrade anything in the cases to hold up to the v6? should i go with the 23 spline cases instead of 21 spline?
you'll be fine with the 21 spline stuff IMO... especially behind an auto. 23 in the rear case isn't a bad idea, but there are plenty who haven't..
theres a similar thread started by someone else on pirate and more people have said dana 300 over duals becuase of their strenght. Would i be safer just going with a dana 300 or will it not be much differnt in my application? has anyone run duals with a v6 and th350 and wished they had gone another way?

right now im looking at 600 for a rebuilt th350 w/300 adapter, and 200 for a dana 300. =~800

also 250 for a th350, 350 for a toy adapter, 300 for 2 cases, 300 for the adapter. =~1200

front digs...that is something you can do with a d300 that you cant with dual toy cases

pm me if you do want duals or 4.7's though...I'm a Marlin Crawler dealer...:bling:
If it's got a 203, use that for a reduction box...
Well, the cost is in favor of the 300

But like Rich said, reduction box......however the combined cost of the adapter and 205 could be around the same as the eventual cost of the 4 to 1 D300 gearset......Personally, I prefer the iron of the 300 or 205 cases for the ultimate strength.
I'd do the D300 and save for 4 to 1 and big outputs. less weight,more space,front dig and very strong with aftermarket gear/output sets.
i ended up getting a th350/adapter and toy case for a really good deal so ive decided to go with that and dual stock geared cases. Hopefully it will work well for me.
Go with the dual cases you have more gear choices and do the 23 spline for strength its not that much more.
With a 4.3, I doubt he'll be breaking inputs.
The dual cases is an awesome setup. I have 2 yota guys here running them and they are almost unstopppable. They got their parts from unbreakable too.