Dana 44 8 lug?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
Pageland, SC
Would converting a late model waggy 44 to 8 lug change the wms to wms measurement at all? ANy one have any experience on this?

Helping a friend with a 4bt Ranger project, was looking at using a C&C 14 bolt rear (63") and a waggy front which I believe to be 61"ish. From my understanding its best to be equal or a little wider up front? Something to do with turning, handling? Or did i make that up? Or would it be a big deal to be 2 inches narrow on the rear?
I don't think it's would change the width, if it did its not by much. If the rear is skinner than the front that's fine, most truck came about 2-3 inches skinnier in the back. Being wider up front helps turning radius. Even being skinner up front I think it would be fine, could always run inch spacers up front.

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Thanks, I didn't figure it would change it much but wanted to make sure it wouldn't be even skinnier. Now the dana 44 has 3.31 gears would a 14 bolt 3.21 or 3.42 be close enough or is that big of a spread I'm guessing to big?

And anyone know of anyone who makes 6 on 5.5 14 bolt hubs besides letzroll offroad.
Sypntec and solid are two that I can think off the top of my head. And I think that gear is a little far but it might be ok. I know people have ran 5.38s and 5.29s and been ok but that's about as far as a difference as I'd push it.

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A bit too much of a spread. General rule of thumb from what Ive found is 1% differnce for on road use, 2% difference for off road use. The formula for percent difference in gears is: (Gear1-Gear2)/Gear1 = Percent Difference.

In your case (3.31-3.21)/3.31= 0.0302... or 3.02% or (3.42-3.31)/3.42= 0.0321.. or 3.21%

With that beining said, Id run the 3.42 is the rear so the front slightly overdrives and "drags" the rear. IMHO, easier on things than having the rear "push" the front. I've been running a 5.89/6.00 gear combo in the 44/9 for the last 2 years with no issues, but that comes out to a 1.83% difference.
All very interesting, never seen that formula before. looks like the closet ratio for a 14 bolt and 44 is 3.73

Look harder they have all the way up to 5.38 for both the 44 and 14b.

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